The Association for Intercommunity Development for Public Transport Bucharest – Ilfov was established as a cooperative structure of the local public authorities in the region, founded on October 20, 2017. The association has legal personality under private law and public utility status recognized by law, meant to exercise and implement the competences of local public administration authorities (LPA) regarding the provision of public transport services. These competences were initially assigned to the LPAs, according to the provisions of Law No. 51/2006 on community utility services, in accordance with Law No. 215/2001, the law on local public administration, republished, with subsequent amendments, and according to the Framework Law on Decentralization No. 195/2006.

The association’s objectives include:

  • The establishment, organization, regulation, operation, monitoring, and joint management of the local public transport service within the association’s member territorial units;
  • Improving integrated mobility through coordinated administration and proper financing of public transport services;
  • Strategic planning, monitoring, and approval of activities concerning the authorization, organization, management, and control of public passenger transport services in the Bucharest-Ilfov region, including buses, trolleybuses, trams, and other public transport means;
  • Implementation of measures and investment projects specified in the Bucharest – Ilfov Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan 2016-2030, approved by all local public authorities in the Bucharest-Ilfov region;
  • Enforcing Regulation (EC) No. 1370/2007 of the European Parliament and Council of October 23, 2007, on public passenger transport services by rail and road, which became mandatory for all member states starting in December 2009, through the signing of public service contracts/management delegation agreements with public passenger transport operators.

The National Regulatory Authority for Public Utilities (A.N.R.S.C.) has accredited the Association for Intercommunity Development for Public Transport Bucharest – Ilfov to exercise legal duties in the field of local public transport services.

Autorizația nr. 0384 din 06.03.2018.

Documente oficiale anexate:

Actul Constitutiv al Asociației de Dezvoltare Intercomunitară pentru Transport Public București – Ilfov

Statutul Asociației de Dezvoltare Intercomunitară pentru Transport Public București – Ilfov

Regulamentul de Organizare și Funcționare al Asociației de Dezvoltare Intercomunitară pentru Transport Public București – Ilfov

Regulamentul  intern 

Codul de conduită etică profesională a angajaților

Certificatul ISO 9001:2015 și Certificatul IQNET atestă faptul că asociația are implementat și menține sistemul de management al calității conform condițiilor din standard.


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