Creating an intelligent transport system by integrating mobility components at the level of the Bucharest-Ilfov region

The project was identified within the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan 2016-2030 for the Bucharest-Ilfov Region (PMUD-BI), Mobility Management and ITS:

G-1. Operational technologies for public transport: control center, real-time information, dispatching, schedule adaptation, personnel safety, and incident management.

G-2. Traffic management system: improvement, expansion, functionality, interface with the traffic control center and emergency services, prioritization of public transport.

G-3. E-ticketing system for the Bucharest-Ilfov Region.

G-4. Implementation of a fare integration scheme.

It was also identified in the Ilfov County Development Strategy 2020-2030, in the short list of projects of the Ilfov County Council, Program 5.3.3. Expansion and optimization of metropolitan public transport:
  1. Construction of smart and accessible bus stations for passengers.
  2. Development of the integrated ticketing system at the Bucharest-Ilfov Region level.

The purpose of the project is to modernize and improve the planning and operation of the public transport system in the Bucharest-Ilfov Region through the implementation of an integrated ITS (Intelligent Transport System).

The general objective is to increase the attractiveness of the public transport system by:

  • introducing integrated and complex ITS elements (control center, real-time information, safety, dispatching, etc.);
  • introducing an integrated e-ticketing system for all public transport modes in the Bucharest-Ilfov Region through an integrated fare policy;
  • simplifying fare systems, ensuring ease of use and financial equity of the fare system in relation to the end user.

The specific objectives are:

  • reducing carbon emissions and pollutants by improving the operation of public transport services and decreasing the modal split in favor of private individual transport;
  • increasing the accessibility and efficiency of the public transport system;
  • improving the quality of services offered and, consequently, increasing the number of passengers;
  • reducing the public transport service costs in the budget of Bucharest and Ilfov County;
  • optimizing the profit of public transport operators;
  • controlling and reducing fraud within the public transport network;
  • integrating and ensuring interoperability at the public transport system level between services and transport operators.