Projects prepared within TPBI


I. APPROVED Projects – Bucharest Municipality / Ilfov County Council / Local Administrative Units (UAT)

Total project budget for APPROVED projects by PMB / CJ IF / UAT: 742,698,404.41 lei (including VAT), of which 547,599,525.59 lei (including VAT) is non-reimbursable funding obtained.

II. Projects submitted for funding currently under evaluation

The total budget for the projects SUBMITTED by PMB/ ILFOV County Council / UAT: 1.393.419.758,79 (lei cu TVA)


Bucharest – Ilfov Metropolitan Train

The Bucharest – Ilfov Metropolitan Train, a project of the Bucharest – Ilfov Public Transport Development Intercommunity Association (TPBI), coordinated by Mr. Ștefan Roșeanu, project manager, won second place (Administration section) at a competition organized by the Romanian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Romania) and was presented to the public during the “European Mobility Week” (September 16-22, 2021). Ștefan Roșeanu, TPBI advisor and project manager of the Bucharest – Ilfov Metropolitan Train, presented the project’s status in an online conference on September 22, 2021, where the public had the opportunity to learn about the initiation of such a project, the necessary investments, what had been accomplished up to that point, and the next steps.

Project for Traffic Decongestion in the Proximity of Educational Institutions.

Following the decisions of the General Council of Bucharest Municipality mentioned above, the Bucharest-Ilfov Public Transport Intercommunity Development Association (TPBI), through the Smart City Policies and Projects Office (BPPSC), developed the “Feasibility Study on Traffic Decongestion in the Vicinity of Educational Institutions in Sectors 1 and 6,” a project approved by the General Council of Bucharest Municipality.

The study analyzes the replication of the pilot project, specifically the opportunity to introduce new transport lines that would encourage mobility in the vicinity of secondary schools in Sector 1 (“Pia Brătianu” and “Herăstrău”) and Sector 6 (“Sfântul Andrei,” National College “Elena Cuza,” and No. 279). The reasoning behind the selection of educational institutions in sectors 1 and 6 is based on the large number of enrolled students, as well as their locations in highly congested areas of the city.

The replication of the pilot project contributed to reducing pollution (significantly lowering CO2 emissions) and traffic congestion, as well as ensuring the safe transportation of students.

To identify issues and needs, a questionnaire was created and distributed for completion by the target groups.

The most important findings of the research supported the implementation of the pilot project replication, considering that:

  • 83.82% of all respondents, i.e., 4,129 guardians, favor the introduction of transport lines reaching the vicinity of educational institutions;
  • 46.18% of all respondents, i.e., 2,275 guardians, use their personal car to transport students to and from school;
  • 35.07% of guardians who use their car to transport students to school, i.e., 798 people, return home after completing this activity;
  • 63.43% of all respondents, i.e., 3,125 guardians, would abandon the current mode of transport in favor of a sustainable alternative.

Educational institutions in the administrative area of Sector 1 are served by six urban transport lines as follows:

  • T5, T6, T7 – serving “Pia Brătianu” Secondary School;
  • T8, T9, T10 – serving “Herăstrău” Secondary School.

Educational institutions in the administrative area of Sector 6 are served by six urban transport lines as follows:

  • T11, T12 – serving “Sfântul Andrei” Secondary School;
  • T13, T14 – serving “Elena Cuza” National College;
  • T15, T16 – serving “No. 279” Secondary School.

TPBI, through BPPSC, has undertaken all the necessary actions regarding the implementation, monitoring, and improvement of the replication of the project for educational institutions in Sector 1 (“Pia Brătianu” and “Herăstrău” Secondary Schools) and Sector 6 (“Sfântul Andrei” Secondary School, “Elena Cuza” National College, and “No. 279” Secondary School). The goal of these actions is to contribute to the decongestion of traffic in the vicinity of educational institutions, reduce the environmental impact of transport activities on the environment and residents in the area, raise awareness and civic education of new generations about the benefits of public transport over private transportation, increase the attractiveness of the public transport system, ensure the preconditions for redistributing modal share in favor of public transport, and provide support to parents, so they no longer need to travel additionally during peak hours.

Studii de oportunitate

Documentații care au stat la baza proiectelor depuse de Primăria Municipiului București pentru finanțare prin Programul Operațional Regional 2014-2020:

• Studiu de oportunitate ”Achiziționare tramvaie și echipamente necesare îmbunătățirii transportului public de călători pe liniile 1, 10, 21, 25, 32, 40, 41 și 55”, aprobat prin HCGMB nr. 225/2018.

Studiu de oportunitate ”Achiziționare autobuze electrice necesare îmbunătățirii transportului public de călători pe 14 trasee în Municipiul București”, aprobat prin HCGMB nr. 376/2018.

Studiu de oportunitate pentru achiziționarea de mijloace de transport mai puțin poluante pentru îmbunătățirea transportului public în Municipiul București, aprobat prin HCGMB nr. 690/2018.