The Bucharest – Ilfov Intercommunity Development Association for Public Transport (TPBI) issues opinions and formulates viewpoints regarding documentation, investments, or works related to:
- The establishment/modification/extension of public transport routes and associated infrastructure as part of a development/investment.
- The impact of the proposal/investment on integrated mobility in the Bucharest-Ilfov area/region, as well as on intermodality.
- The integration/correlation of the project with the Urban Mobility Plan (PMUD) and other existing approved documentation/strategies.
- The proposed technical solution for the street layout and mobility infrastructure according to the project.
- The impact of the proposal/investment on ongoing financing/execution projects known to TPBI.
The TPBI opinion applies to the following types of documentation, but not limited to them:
- Technical documentation prepared within TPBI or for projects initiated by local authorities (UATs) and their subordinate institutions, other intercommunity development associations (ADIs), central institutions (ministries and their subordinated institutions or companies), as well as third parties:
- Design tasks; Technical studies and feasibility studies;
- Pre-feasibility studies, feasibility studies, Detailed Urban Planning Documentation (D.A.L.I.) for public or private investment objectives in the Bucharest-Ilfov region;
- Traffic studies and projects;
- Technical documentation regarding works related to or influencing the construction or operation of objectives and/or facilities owned by public transport operators in the Bucharest-Ilfov region or concessioned to them;
- Strategic and urban planning documentation:
- Documentation related to the Transport and Urban Planning Master Plan (PATJ), the Territorial Urbanization Plan (PATZ), the General Urban Plan (PUG), or the Zonal Urban Plan (PUZ) developed by UATs in the Bucharest-Ilfov region, the Sectors of Bucharest Municipality, or Ilfov County, including transport and mobility system elements;
- Documentation for which TPBI approval is requested through an Urbanism Certificate, regardless of the project initiator;
- Mobility development strategies (stationing and movement, all transport modes, including non-motorized), intervention planning documents, other development strategies in areas complementary to mobility;
- Urban development studies and strategies;
- Documents with strategic impact and correlation with other public transport modes outside TPBI’s competence (rail transport, metro transport, air transport, inter-county bus transport, etc.);
- Other documentation available to the TPBI management.
The documentation, along with the request for approval, is received in electronic format at the email address: or at the TPBI headquarters located at B-dul Tudor Vladimirescu nr. 11, 10th floor, sector 5, Bucharest.
The request for approval is submitted by the owner, the initiator of the work, or by a representative of the initiator, in which case the authorization will also be presented.
The documentation required to obtain a TPBI approval:
a. For works categories specified in Annex 1 to the Law on Territorial Planning and Urbanism No. 350/2001, with subsequent amendments and completions: PATZ, PATJ, PUG, PUZ, PUD:
- Application for approval issuance
- Urbanism Certificate and annexed plans, with a valid validity period
- Location plan at a scale of 1:25,000/1:5,000
- Land registry (e.g., property file, site plan)
- Extract from PUG or other relevant documents (e.g., strategies)
- Documents attesting ownership of the land, if applicable
- Documentation in the project phase, prepared according to the current legal requirements (This will contain at least the Technical Memo, Site Plan, and Urban Regulation Plan)
- For correlation/integration with the Urban Mobility Plan (PMUD) and the related transport model, the technical memo will include a minimum set of information regarding the proposal, the traffic generators and flows, project indicators, and implementation period (according to Annex 4)
- Any other documents considered necessary by the applicant to understand the context and stage of the documentation, if applicable.
b. For projects of external TPBI strategies:
- Application for approval issuance
- Documentation in the project phase, with all annexes
- Any other documents considered necessary by the applicant to understand the context and stage of the documentation, if applicable.
c. For investment projects:
- Application for approval issuance
- Urbanism Certificate and annexed plans, with a valid validity period
- Location plan
- Extract from the cadastral plan
- Extract from PUG or other relevant documents (e.g., strategies)
- Feasibility study/DALI, in the project phase, for public investments or those impacting public infrastructures
- Technical memo
- Any other documents considered necessary by the applicant to understand the context and stage of the documentation, if applicable.
d. For the preparation of internal strategic documentation: Plans, Strategies, etc.:
- Technical memo, if applicable
- Documentation in the project phase
- Any other documents considered necessary by the applicant to understand the context and stage of the documentation, if applicable.
The minimum information required for technical-economic, urbanism, and architecture documentation are as follows:
Presentation of the proposed investment/operation
Proposed indicators
a. Territorial balance – Proposed indicators:
- Average number of users for the proposed function/forecasts:
a. Number of residents in the case of residential functions
b. Number of employees/visitors in the case of service/commercial functions
c. Number of places in educational institutions
d. Number of parking spaces
- Integration of the investment/operation into the area:
a. Organization of the street network – Modernization of circulation – all modes of movement (maintained streets, widened streets, new streets, sidewalks, transport, parking, intersection solutions, one-way streets, etc.)
b. Characteristics of the streets in the analysis area – road classification (extra-urban – highway, national interest road, county interest road, municipal interest road, or urban – main artery, secondary artery, collector street, or local-use street), length, street profile (number of lanes, circulation directions, etc.), public transport infrastructure type (tram, trolleybus, bus; dedicated lanes, bicycles if applicable), and street type
c. Condition of existing streets (pavement, sidewalks, green spaces, etc.)
d. Distance to the nearest public transport station
e. Distance to the first station offering multiple transport modes
- Legal status of proposed circulations:
a. Ownership of the land will be specified, along with whether there are lands designated for cession, concession, or exchange between owners.
Issuance fee for approval:
- Requests from individuals: 500 RON
- Requests from legal entities: 1000 RON
The applicant will pay the fee for the issuance of the approval via bank transfer to the IBAN account RO81RNCB0074170643810016, opened at Banca Comercială Română, and will send the payment proof to the TPBI registry within 3 working days from receiving the proforma invoice by email.